Women’s History Month / National Kidney Month

Women’s History Month / National Kidney Month

It is a busy month we have ahead of us. We are excited to celebrate the following observations in the month of March: Women’s History Month “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope,”  Kidney Awareness Month Building, “Paths to better kidney care” World...
Black Health and Wellness

Black Health and Wellness

I hope you all transitioned into 2022 smoothly. We are honored to celebrate Black History Month’s 2022 theme, “Black Health and Wellness.” In February 1976, U.S. President Gerald Ford designated February as Black History Month. Black America’s...
Thank You for Being a Part of the Family

Thank You for Being a Part of the Family

Words from the CEO Time flies when you are having fun doing what you love. It seems like yesterday, I was in my garage holding certification review sessions with 30 to 40 friends every weekend. That was from 2007 to 2009. Then, one day in the summer of 2009, while...
Wrapping up the Year – December 2021 Newsletter!

Wrapping up the Year – December 2021 Newsletter!

Words from the CEO, Michael Morales As 2021 comes to a close, I want to take the opportunity to look back on a year that turned out much differently than we could have imagined. While it was challenging in many ways, it also showed how strong we are as a company –...