
Dialysis Education Blog

Black Health and Wellness

February 7, 2022
Certification Review, Continuing Education, Newsletter, Online Classes, Professional Development

I hope you all transitioned into 2022 smoothly. We are honored to celebrate Black History Month’s 2022 theme, “Black Health and Wellness.” In February 1976, U.S. President Gerald Ford designated February as Black History Month. Black America’s rich cultural heritage, triumphs, sacrifices, and adversities are an indelible part of our country’s history. 

Setting goals starts with developing an action plan. The next step is to simplify your plans to motivate and guide you. Be deliberate, rather than entertaining desires and momentary intentions. Your commitment to thoughts, emotions, and behaviors focused on attaining your goals will not be easy. You will likely lose relationships, time, money, and battles, but in the words of a rational man, **”when you lose, don’t lose the lesson.”** – Dalai Lama. In other words, don’t be scared to fail; it is part of the incredible journey and adjustment we all go through in life to succeed. 

It’s always exciting to see what commitment can yield. I have been so lucky over the last 22 years to work with good-hearted, hardworking, and intelligent people. At this point, we are starting to train second generations (our students’ children) and can’t help but feel like we are one big family. The legacy of Dialysis Education Services is starting to manifest, and we are honored for your part in creating this community. 

Help us work on our mission/vision of improving patient health, quality of care, and quality of life through an interdisciplinary approach to the education of healthcare professionals. Our students’ exemplary care can be duplicated when you share your education journey at Dialysis Education Services with your networks. We need you to cause a ripple effect for our goal of (1000) students in 2022.

Thank you in advance for your demonstration of support by referring and broadcasting our services. We are happy to have you in our community and look forward to many years, lessons, and memories with you all. 



Michael Morales, MHA/Ed

Chief Executive Officer

Dialysis Education Services




16925 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 

Star Student: Paul L.

It was December 2004. Paul admits that he had no idea what he was getting into when he started his journey into dialysis. Still, he did know that he wasn’t satisfied with his current way of life. Morales taught him more about dialysis and showed him a career path that would provide for him and his family for years to come. His first year was a struggle as he worked to get comfortable with all that a career in dialysis entailed. However, as the years went on and he became better at what he was doing, he found himself enjoying it more and more. Today, he can proudly say that he has worked with one of the leading dialysis clinics for 17 years. 

When he thinks back on his time as a student, he remembers how Morales showed him the ropes of a complicated process in a way that was easy to understand. By consistently giving 110% in teaching, Morales prepared him for the on-the-job training he would have to go through. As a result, he felt ready on his first day of work. Morales looks back and remembers Paul as an outstanding student: coachable, fun, and self-initiating. “It was straightforward work with Paul, and I was confident that he would be a long-term asset/advocate to the ESRD community.”

For Paul, the best part of being dialysis is taking pride in what you are doing: helping people. 

To future dialysis technicians, he offers these words of wisdom: “First and foremost, listen to your preceptors! Then, have fun and be proud of this step you’re taking in your career.”

The sense of pride that comes with being a Certified Hemodialysis Technician and member of your individual patients’ needs is overwhelming. It is great to see students like Paul express that as a primary takeaway. 

Paul, you are an accurate representation of a professional Dialysis Technician. The Team at DES wishes you all the best as you continue your career in care. 

We need your help in improving patient health, quality of care, and quality of life through an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare professionals’ education and achieving our goal of 1000 students in 2022. But we cannot do it without you. In return, we promise to help you by supporting your growth, providing mentorship, and providing the CE credit needed for license or certification renewal as a Dialysis Nurse or Technician.

Join our professional CE community to increase your knowledge, gain fellowship, and earn the CE credit needed to renew your license or certification. “The network value is immeasurable. I have made friends, as well as gained knowledge, skills, abilities, and countless business opportunities, with my involvement in professional communities,” says Morales. 

If you are interested in watching our previous events, they are available on our YouTube channel for free viewing. However, suppose you would like to receive CE Hours for previously recorded events. In that case, you may do so by purchasing our Continuing Education Subscription for $180. The Subscription gives you access to 12 months of events, as well as the Virtual Classroom. You may receive up to 36 CE Hours by watching presentations and up to 24 CE Hours by completing activities in the Virtual Classroom. Contact us for more information on our Continuing Education opportunities.

The next cycle of the Hemodialysis Training Program begins on March 7, 2022. This cycle’s ONLINE virtual meetings will occur on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings from 8 am to 9:30 am. We still have seats available, so tell all your friends, family, and associates! Companies value the experience that our state and nationally approved program provides to new hires. In addition, many companies offer special information days to our students and provide significant hiring bonuses to our graduates. 

Contact us for more information on our Hemodialysis Training Program. 

Our next review is on February 27, 2022, from 8 am to 12 pm. 

Our last review was on January 30, 2022 and it has already shown fruit, with some of the recent attendees passing their examinations. This review has roots as the original service offering from Morales, based in the comfort of his home. Reviewers from all over flocked to his garage/make-shift classroom for a barbecue and 8 hours of presentation and discussions. Morales says, “It was all thanks to my wife Maria; she would cook and provide comfort for the long day of review.” 

We now offer that same comfort-of-home experience with our online review coursework and virtual meetings. The value of this review is unmatched. If you or anyone you know needs help preparing for their certification exams, contact us! 

“After attending the certification review with him, I had my state exam the next day, and I passed it. Thank you, Dialysis Education Services, and a special thanks to Mr. Morales. I am honored to be your student. If you are getting ready for the Dialysis state exam, I recommend taking the certification review before the exam. It’ll help a lot.”

– D.A., Hemodialysis Training Program – November 2021

Happy February from all of us at Dialysis Education Services! Thank you for being a part of our community.