
Dialysis Education Blog

Dialysis Education Services – November 2021 Newsletter

November 4, 2021
Dialysis Patient, Newsletter, Virtual Care

We are excited to share updates on dialysis training, dialysis jobs, and the latest activities at DES. Please make sure to subscribe to our mailing list at dialysiseducationservices.com and stay tuned for further releases. 

Words from the CEO, Michael Morales

After 20 years of teaching Dialysis courses, it is a rewarding feeling that the graduate/dialysis technician candidates we produce keep getting better and better. Thankful is an understatement in expressing how I feel for the opportunity to be a part of your superhero journeys.

October 2021 had 13 recent DES graduates gaining employment, most of whom had offers before completing the course. Quick out the gate, highly motivated, self-initiating graduates are always a pleasure to work beside. At the same time, we appreciate coachability and willingness to let us point the way while they diligently follow guidance and pave their career paths. With the recent stresses on the dialysis workforce, you are well needed. 

Congrats on the success of the DES teams over the years: Sharon, Loui, Han, Takehiro, Doreen, Elizabeth, Sharal, Alex, Hector, James, Jacky, Judee, Rhonda, Daneen, Anne, and Richard. Your outcomes speak volumes; our graduates make you shine as a beacon of excellence in this world of vocational and healthcare education. 

Spotlight: Star Students

The Sanjyo Family

Takehiro and Czarenalyn Sanjyo (Class of 2011)

Advice for someone wanting to begin a career in dialysis? The couple advises, “people that have the heart to provide compassionate and equitable care to others should look into becoming a dialysis technician or specializing in dialysis as a nurse.” “oh, it helps if they do not have issues working with blood and needles.”

In 2011, Takehiro Sanjyo worked at a Japanese community/cultural market as a sales associate and cared for his elderly father; he had no previous knowledge of dialysis. Czarenalyn Gonzales had recently moved from the Philippines to the US, looking to gain more employment opportunities as a BSN, RN graduate; she thought dialysis was an attractive nursing specialty. Their paths crossed when they enrolled in Dialysis Education Services, they became classmates and began a lifelong friendship.

After graduation, they both started careers as CHTs: Takehiro at US Renal Care (USRC) and Czarenalyn at DaVita. Czarenalyn finished her requirements while working as a CHT and recently celebrated her 10th anniversary at DaVita Carson as a Registered Nurse. Many of the graduates of DES recognize Takehiro, as he is one of the primary lab instructors that have contributed to everyone’s success over the years. Currently, he is one of the full-time CHTs at the VA Long Beach, caring for the chronic unit, acute unit, and skilled nursing home veterans.  

Fast-forward to the present: Takehiro and Czarenalyn Sanjyo are married with three beautiful girls. They both have rewarding careers and enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. We are proud to be a part of Takehiro and Czarenalyn’s career path and family. 

Spotlight: New Team Members 

We are happy to announce the arrival of two new team members: Richard Cabrera, LVN, and Anne Diroll, RN, CNN, CNLC!

Richard Cabrera, LVN

Richard Cabrera, LVN 

Richard Cabrera’s journey into the field of dialysis began 25 years ago. His first position as a Reuse Technician ignited a spark that would fuel his passion and lead him to become one of the top influencers in Home Dialysis options today. From his first day in dialysis, he made a significant impact on the local community. He trained staff in his facilities on how to use Reuse and Water systems. He also educated patients on the benefits of home modalities, how to operate and troubleshoot the home dialysis machines, and the process involved in self-cannulation. He also started a new Home Hemodialysis Program within his facility and grew the HHD programs in his area by increasing the number of hemodialysis patients. 

His direct experience with Kidney Disease manifested when his dad was diagnosed, placed on a central venous catheter (CVC), and began dialysis treatment. However, after discovering that in-center dialysis was not compatible with his dad’s work/life schedule, Richard and his mom became the care partners for his dad’s home hemodialysis.

His professional career with the world’s largest manufacturer of dialysis products and home dialysis machines began in 2012 when he became one of three Therapy Specialists within the entire United States. He was the Area Manager, Clinical Educator, and Clinical Consultant before serving in his current position as the first Senior Clinical Consultant. He is a well-known public speaker in the dialysis community, speaking at events such as NANT and NKF seminars.


Anne Diroll, RN, CNN, CNLC 

You can change outcomes in people’s lives by what you say and do; dialysis is FOR people, not TO people.”

Anne Diroll has added tremendous value to the dialysis community for the last 25 years. Her original career in pulmonology circumstantially became a career in nephrology. This combined experience of specialties adds unique credibility as a Subject Matter Expert in Blood Oxygenation, Anemia, and Fluid Management. Finding that dialysis is to the kidneys as a ventilator is to the lungs was an enlightening moment that solidified Anne’s commitment to becoming one of the world’s leading dialysis educators.  

She was among the first to work with, demonstrate, and train others on using the top blood volume monitoring system made by one of the leading companies in dialysis. When she was teaching, she saw patients with underloaded and overloaded fluids, which showed her the importance of fluid management. It was so impactful that it became one of her focus topics, along with anemia management. Anne speaks publicly to large and small groups: in-person, on-site, and virtually. She is one of the nation’s foremost and sought-after experts in the dialysis community.

To anyone interested in starting their career in dialysis, her advice is to “keep your eyes and ears open and always show up for training. The journey is complex, and there is a lot to learn. It is a holistic form of healthcare that combines complex specialties like endocrinology, neurology, nephrology, and hematology with simple human touch and good nursing care.” But, Diroll says, “it’s all worth it!”

Graduation Announcement

We are proud to announce that our most recent class completed the Hemodialysis Training Program in October 2021. There were eight (8) graduates.

  1. Gresel A.
  2. Jocelyn A.
  3. Adrian B.
  4. Hazel D.
  5. Maria Ciarra F.
  6. Claire G.
  7. Roldan G.
  8. Jay Mark Q.

November Holidays

1-30 American Indian Heritage Month 

4 Diwali

7 Daylight Savings Time ends

11 Veterans Day

25 Thanksgiving

26 Native American Heritage Day

29 Hanukkah

American Indian Heritage Month

American Indian Heritage Month runs annually from November 1 to November 30 to celebrate the cultures, traditions, and contributions of Native Americans to the United States throughout history. 

American Indians and Alaska Natives are 50% more likely to have kidney failure compared to White Americans.

Researchers do not fully understand why American Indians and Alaska Natives are at a higher risk for kidney disease. However, American Indians and Alaska Natives are twice as likely as White Americans to have diabetes, and diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. High blood pressure, diet, obesity, and access to healthcare may also play a role.

  • National Kidney Foundation 2021

At DES, we encourage you to take care of your health: 

  • Get tested for kidney disease.
  • Get tested for diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
  • Live a healthy lifestyle.

Anthony Reed

Anthony Reed, Kidney Trails

“Making the story valuable, one word at a time.”

Anthony Reed is a former dialysis patient and kidney transplant recipient. As a patient, he looked for real-life lessons; unable to find any, he decided to take things into his own hands. In 2014, he began speaking about his experiences to students in kidney care classes. 

His website, Kidney Trails, came to life as a result of the pandemic. Though travel and in-person events ceased, he wanted to continue the work that he started in 2014. In addition, he hopes to encourage people whose real-life experiences are unheard of to go out and share their stories through the website. In doing so, he hopes to broaden the reach and create partnerships with other prominent members of the dialysis community.

Dialysis Education Services is proud to be a Kidney Trails Partner. For more information and to read these valuable stories, visit kidneytrails.com.

Major Event in Dialysis

Constantine “Gus” Hampers and Edward “Ted” Hager were prominent nephrologists and Harvard Medical School instructors in 1968. Together, they started National Medical Care Inc. to create private clinics that provide dialysis treatments and other services at a lower cost than hospitals. NMC would eventually merge into Fresenius Medical Care, about thirty years later. 

Before they started NMC, being able to receive dialysis treatments was not guaranteed. Frequently, life-or-death committees determined who was eligible because there was a lack of available supplies and space. 

Dr. Hampers passed away in January of this year, due to COVID-19 complications. Dr. Hager passed away in October of this year, due to undisclosed reasons.

Thank you, Dr. Hampers and Dr. Hager, for your compassion and contributions to dialysis.

School Focuses and Goals 

As we prepare for the first quarter of 2022, our goals are focused on enhancing our offerings.  

  1. Certification Classes for Dialysis Technicians


We will also be adding to our academic offerings:

  1. Certification Review
    1. We will be hosting a Certification Review on the last Sunday of each month, beginning January 2022.
  2. CE Courses
    1. We will be offering CE courses via a Learning Management System.
    2. This is for healthcare professionals wanting to stay current on best practices and informed guidelines.
  3. CE/Professional Development Event-3 CE hours that are BRN-approved.
    1. We are excited to announce that our first CE event, held via Zoom, will happen on Sunday, December 19th! The event will be held virtually, via Zoom, from 8 am to 11 am PST/11 am to 2 pm EST. We will feature several prominent members of the dialysis community as instructors for the courses. Stay tuned for more information!
    2. Beginning in January 2022, we will be hosting a virtual CE event at the beginning of each month.
    3. Speakers for December event
      1. To be announced
  4. CE Community
    1. Relationship building
    2. Networking is a crucial component of professional growth. It starts in class with your classmates and instructors in the impression you leave. The request for reference should be considerate of the image left for the person referencing. Some of your classmates are sure to become leaders in the field, and their references will be invaluable someday. We strongly recommend your participation as a member of professional groups, such as NANT (www.dialysistech.net), and BONENT (www.bonent.org), to continue your education and build relationships that will support the rest of your career.


Stay tuned for more information about our Continuing Education course offerings and Learning Management System!

Follow our social media profiles to stay connected, get updates, and build on your professional network within the dialysis community: 

Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  LinkedIn

Closing Remarks

From all of us here at Dialysis Education Services, have a safe and hearty Thanksgiving!