
Dialysis Education Blog

Bellflower High School seniors visit DES!

April 4, 2023
Career and Technical Education, Continuing Education, Dialysis Patient, Healthcare Collaborative, Kidney Care, Newsletter, Professional Development, School-life Balance, Youth

To kick off our week, we had the honor of hosting about 30 senior high school students from Bellflower High School at the lab at our school in Bellflower! 

Michael Morales is the Founder of Dialysis Education Services and the Director of Clinical Training and Support for a medical device company called Diality; he shared personal stories with the students and introduced them to the world of dialysis and the importance of the work of dialysis technicians. Morales says, “Evangelizing about #kidneycare is a personal responsibility I embrace and enjoy. I have found that the communities with the most need and the highest incidence of kidney disease often have the least access to education or educators regarding kidney disease and dialysis. I hope a few of these future leaders were inspired to look at #careers in #dialysis today.” 

Bellflower High School CTE Department Chair Melissa Ellis stated that her students “were impressed by the equipment display and Michael’s extensive knowledge about body systems, dialysis, and the hemodialysis business. Many of my high school students were interested in enrolling in your program.” 

We hope to put kidney disease and kidney care in the spotlight in the local communities and bring the affected stakeholders together through a workforce initiative that we will gladly lead. Our job is to spread awareness about Chronic Kidney Disease throughout our local community and beyond. We invite you to join our crusade by becoming an evangelist yourself and/or pointing us to events and opportunities where we can speak to your community. While you are at it, please tell your friends, families, and associates about our school and the wonderful career opportunities in dialysis.



