

How long does dialysis training take?

4-6 months

How much does dialysis training cost?

$7,500 payable over 4 months in equal installments

What does dialysis training lead to?

Graduates will be eligible for national certification exams and employment as Dialysis technicians.

Who teaches the classes at Dialysis Education Services?

Our team, led by Michael Morales, is comprised of passionate professionals with over 20 years of experience in dialysis education. We are dedicated to providing high-quality training and education to help you excel in your dialysis career.

What is the Program schedule?

Examples of Schedules:


  • M, W, F 8:00am-9:30am
  • M, W, F 5:00pm-6:30pm
  • T, Th, S 8:00am-9:30am
  • T, Th, S 5:00pm-6:30pm


  • 36-40 hours a week
  • Based on clinic acceptance, preceptor availability, schedule, attendance, drug, background, and health screenings

*Refer to Catalog for start dates

What do I need to sign up for dialysis training?

  • Read our Catalog
  • Read our Student Performance Fact Sheet
  • Complete admissions interview
  • Submit two forms of ID
  • Submit your HS diploma or equivalent
  • Pay the registration fee of $250
  • Pay the first monthly installment